Our address is "94032 Passau Pfaffengasse 1" or Fritz-Schäffer-Promenade 8". The GPS in your car won’t know the house numbers on Fritz-Schäffer-Promenade. If you would like to use your GPS, add beside the "Pfaffengasse" “corner or junction Fritz-Schäffer-Promenade.” This junction is right at the Pfaffenhaus. The GPS coordinates are Latitude (LAT) 48,575708 or N 48°34'32" and Longitude (LONG) 13,466233 or E 13°27'59".
For arrival leave the Autobahn at exit 'Passau-Mitte', follow the direction to Passau and turn right in direction 'Stadtmitte/Altstadt' before entering the bridge across the river. Keep driving along the Danube (river will be on the left) till reaching our building (app. 2 miles). Please note: In the Old Town, when the main road makes a sharp turn, keep on going straight, don't follow the main road at that turn, but keep on following the river (the houses are to the right, the river is to the left). Approx. 1400 feet after the 'turn' you get to the Pfaffenhaus, directly at the waterfront of the Danube.
Located just next to our Pfaffenhaus is the 'Hotel Residenz'. Please stop in the 15-minute-zone in front of the hotel. If you have told us your arrival time, we are waiting for you at Pfaffengasse 1. Please give us a short call upon your arrival.
For your car we provide, depending on availability, parking facilities, either directly in our house or on parking spots in 500 feet distance. If you will need a parking spot, we kindly ask you to make an according request, as public parking is very limited in Passau's Old Town.